Kabbalah Secrets To Help Improve Your Life Today


There is a good reason many of the rich and powerful of the past and present, turned to the secrets of Kabbalah to help guide them in their life.

Kabbalah is not an idol, is it not a magic trick. Kabbalah means “that which has been received”, usually from teacher to student, over thousands of years.

When we talk about a kabbalist or kabbalah we are talking about the the people that study kabbalah and the ancient ideas not the modern made up as you go ideas.

We live in a complex world. It seems as if our brains, and life itself, is designed more to hurt us than to help us. One of the core jobs of the teachings in kabbalah is to help a person escape most if not all of the major problems.

Kabbalah ideas are not to be worshipped, only God is worthy of worship. Just like we do not worship a fruit, we make a blessing thanking God for it. The fruit can help nourish us and possibly help our health too, yet, we do not bow down to it nor to the person that planted the fruit. It is all about the creator, nothing besides him.

If you walk into the place you live in and try turning on the lights but it doesn’t work, what would you do? Well, once you realized that the electricity is working, you would check to see if the lightbulb needs changing. But what happens if the electricity is working and you changed the lightbulb and even the light fixture and the light still won’t go on? That’s when you might ask an electrician to come check things out. The electrician is not the creator of electric, he just understands it better than you because he studied it and has real life experience.

Life is very similar. You find yourself failing and you try making many positive changes, yet, the light just won’t go on. You prayed, you gave to charity and nothing is happening. A kabbalist is like the electrician, if they studied correctly, there is a good chance they could discover the root of the problem and just like with electric, it can go from dark to light quickly.

When a person feels they are no longer connected to the creator, they are confirming that at one point they were. It was a time that things flowed smoothly. Things just worked out. A little effort resulted in a lot of good results. Now it seems that all the effort in the world, results in nothing but problems. It is time to reconnect yourself with the creator, the one that is not bound by space or time, the one that has possibly in the past given you things easily and abundantly.

Even if you have fallen to a point that you lack motivation, by reconnecting, motivation flows because when you start seeing a glimmer of light, light from the true source, motivation is reignited and results start to flow.

To start reading more about kabbalah click here

If you do not believe in God, there is really nothing any of the teachings in Kabbalah can help you with.